

Firearm Education and Training

Want to go shooting with your friends but you're a first time gun owner or
considering a firearm for personal protection and don’t have much experience?

Take our NRA Basic Pistol Shooting class.

Concerned about keeping your family safe from home invasion? There's more to it than just keeping a gun in your night stand.
Learn how to have a PLAN OF ACTION, rather than a REACTION that could bring harm to your family or loved ones.

Take our NRA Personal Protection in the Home class.

Are you already proficient in firearm safety and marksmanship and would like to obtain a permit for concealed carry.

Take our Pistol 1 class.

For more information about each class just click on the "Classes" button on the left.

Whether you are interested in recreational shooting, competitive shooting, or personal defense,

we will help give you a solid foundation on which to build.


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